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Due to the tainted water (Lead content). We have conducted a test by a certify lab in HK to prove the water treated by Instant-Mate water boilers are up to global health standard and safe for human consumption. Reports finding: Not detected lead and other harmful metals, conform the WSD - Quality Water Recognition and eliminates the Legionella spp & E.coli. Click here for more...
1.材料 ■自發粉300克 ■水4-1/2杯 ■蛋2隻 ■雞蛋2隻 ■什菜粒適量 ■章魚/墨魚/八爪魚切粒100克 ■蝦米適量,粟米適量,照燒汁,生油適量,紫菜絲,木魚碎 2.做法 ■用木漿將自發粉、蛋及水混合拌勻。章魚切粒 ■蝦米切碎、粟米、什菜粒,加入粉漿中拌好 ■燒熱燒板,抹上生油,倒入粉漿至八分滿,每粒放入章魚粒。 ■待粉漿半熟透時,用竹籤將章魚丸反轉,燒至粉漿凝固及熟透,淋上醬汁,洒上紫菜及木魚絲即成。 3.用具 ■新購回來之章魚燒12孔鐵板清洗乾淨後燒熱,然後按以上製法做出章魚小丸子。