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Due to the tainted water (Lead content). We have conducted a test by a certify lab in HK to prove the water treated by Instant-Mate water boilers are up to global health standard and safe for human consumption. Reports finding: Not detected lead and other harmful metals, conform the WSD - Quality Water Recognition and eliminates the Legionella spp & E.coli. Click here for more...
1.材料 ■麵粉4安士 ■生粉1安士 ■發粉1平茶匙 ■雞蛋2隻 ■砂糖4安士 ■淡奶2安士 ■清水4安士 2.做法 ■將三種粉篩勻備用 ■用木漿將蛋及糖拌勻,逐少加入淡奶及水,拌勻後分次加入粉料中,不停攪拌成稀滑麵漿,不可起粒 ■將雞蛋仔夾底面兩面燒熱,掃油後注入粉漿至八分滿,蓋上蓋,將模夾緊,反轉,再置爐上,用中火底面各燒1-2分鐘至雞蛋仔離模及熟透 ■用叉將雞蛋仔挑出,趁熱食 3.用具 ■新購回來之雞蛋仔夾清洗乾淨後燒熱,然後按以上製法做出雞蛋仔。雞蛋仔取出後棄之不要,重複二至三次直至雞蛋仔較易鬆離為止。